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Spring Boot & Micro Services

1) What is Spring Framework 2) What is Spring Boot 3) Differences between Spring & Spring Boot 4) Spring Boot Overview 5) Pros & Cons of Spring Boot 6) Approaches to create Spring Boot Application
  1. a) Spring Initializer (
  2. b) Spring Starter Wizard in STS IDE
7) Introduction to Spring Boot Starters
  1. a) Spring Boot Parent Starter
  2. b) Spring-boot-starter
  3. c) Spring-boot-starter-web
  4. d) Spring-boot-starter-webflux
  5. e) Spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  6. f) Spring-boot-devtools
  7. g) Spring-boot-starter-mail
  8. h) Spring-boot-actuator
  9. i) Spring-boot-starter-test etc.
8) What is Start Class in Spring Boot 9) @SpringBootApplication annotation internals 10) method internals 11) Spring Boot Application Boot      strapping 12) AutoConfiguration in Spring Boot 13) IOC container 14) Dependency Injection
  1. a) Setter Injection
  2. b) Constructor Injection
  3. c) Field Injection
15) Stereotype Annotations
  1. a) @Component
  2. b) @Service
  3. c) @Repository
  4. d) @Controller
16) Base Package Naming convention 17) Component Scanning 18) Auto wiring
  1. a) byType
  2. b) byname
  3. c) constructor
  4. d) none
19) @Qualifier annotation 20) @Primary annotation 21) Introduction to @Configuration annotation 22) Details of @Bean annotation 23) Bean Life Cycle 24) Bean Scopes 25) Banner in Spring Boot 26) Standalone application development in Spring Boot 27) Standalone application with layered architecture 28) Runner in Spring Boot
  1. a) Application Runner
  2. b) Command Line Runner
1) What is Persistence Layer? 2) Best practices to follow in persistence layer 3) ORM Basics 4) Spring Data JPA Introduction 5) Differences between Spring ORM and Spring Data 6) CurdRepository introduction 7) CurdRepository methods for DB operations
  1. a) save( ) method
  2. b) saveAll( ) method
  3. c) findById( ) method
  4. d) findAllById( ) method
  5. e) findAll( ) method
  6. f) deleteById( ) method
  7. g) deleteAllById( ) method
  8. h) delete( ) method i) count( )
  9. j) existsById( )
8) Custom findByXXX method syntax 9) Custom Queries Execution in Data JPA 10) JpaRepository introduction 11) JpaRepository methods for DB operations 12) Pagination Using Data JPA methods 13) Sorting Using Data JPA Methods 14) Query By Example Executor 15) Generators 16) Custom Generators in Spring Data 17) Embedded Database Introduction 18) Application Development using Embedded Database (H2) 19) Application Development Using MYSQL Database 20) Profiles in Spring Boot
21) Spring Web MVC Introduction 22) Spring Web MVC Advantages 23) Spring MVC Architecture 24) Introduction to Front Controller 25) Controllers 26) Handler Mappers 27) View Resolvers 28) Web Application development using Spring Boot 29) Embedded HTTP Servers Introduction
  1. a) Embedded Tomcat Server
  2. b) Embedded Jetty Server
30) Making Jetty as Default server 31) Web Application Deployment in External Server 32) Sending Data From UI to Controller
  1. a) Query Param
  2. b) Path Param
33) Sending Data From Controller to UI
  1. a) Model b) ModelAndView
34) @RequestBody annotation 35) @ResponseBody annotation 36) Form Based application development using Spring Boot 37) Thymeleaf Introduction 38) Web Application with Thymeleaf 39) Sending Email using Spring Boot 40) Exception Handling in Spring Boot Web Application 41) Spring Boot Actuators
  1. a) Health
  2. b) Info
  3. c) Heap dump
  4. d) Thead dump
  5. e) Beans
  6. f) Httptrace
  7. g) Mappings
  8. h) Shutdown
42) Distributed Applications 43) Distributed Technologies 44) SOAP vs REST 45) RESTful Services Introduction 46) REST principles 47) One Time operations 48) Run Time Operations
  1. a) Marshalling
  2. b) Un Marshalling
49) JAX-B Introduction 50) JAX-B Architecture 51) Applications development with JAX-B 52) JSON Introduction 53) XML vs JSON 54) JACKSON API 55) Converting Java object to JSON and vice versa using Jackson API 56) GSON API 57) Converting Java Object to JSON and Vice Versa using GSON API 58) HTTP Protocol Details 59) HTTP Methods
  1. a) GET
  2. b) POST
  3. c) PUT
  4. d) DELETE
60) HTTP Status Codes 61) @RestController 62) @RequestBody 63) @ResponseBody 64) @RequestParam 65) @PathVariable 66) MediaTypes 67) Consumes 68) Produces 69) Accept Header 70) Content-Type header 71) REST API Development using Spring Boot 72) POSTMAN 73) SWAGGER & SWAGGER UI 74) Exception Handling in REST API 75) REST Security
  1. a) HTTP Basic Auth
  2. b) JWT
  3. c) OAuth2.0
76) Mono Objects 77) Flux Objects 78) REST Client Introduction 79) RestTemplate 80) WebClient 81) RestTemplate vs WebClient 82) Reactive Programming 83) Synchronous vs Asynchronous Calls 84) Apache Kafka with Spring Boot 85) Redis Cache Integration with Spring Boot
86) Monolith Architecture Introduction 87) Monolith Architecture case study 88) Monolith Application Deployment Process 89) Load balancer (Cluster) case study 90) Load Balancing Algorithms
  1. a) Round Robin
  2. b) IP Hashing
  3. c) Sticky Session
91) Monolith Architecture Drawbacks 92) Micro services Introduction 93) Micro Services Advantages 94) Micro Services Dis-Advantages 95) Micro Services case study 96) Identifying Micro services boundaries 97) Micro services Architecture 98) Micro services Development
  1. a) API – 1
  2. b) API – 2
99) Interservice communication case Study (FeignClient ) 100) Cloud Introduction 101) AWS Account Creation 102) AWS Services Overview 103) Deploying Micro services to AWS 104) Service Registry case study (Netflix Eureka) 105) API Gateway 106) Hystrix (Circuit Breaker) 107) Spring Boot Admin Server 108) Spring Boot Admin Client 109) Distributed Logging
  1. a) Sleuth Logging
  2. b) Zipkin Server
110) Ribbon case study (Micro services load balancer) 111) Implementing Ribbon in Micro services 112) ConfigServer Introduction & Implementation 113) Micro services Integration with Angular
  • TOOLS:
114) Maven 115) Log4J 116) Junit 5 117) Jenkins Deployment 118) Docker 119) POSTMAN 120) Swagger